
Vallarai Legiyam | 700 grams

Vallarai Keerai Benefits For Health:

Improves Brain Functions, Boosts Immune System, Maintains Heart Health,
Relaxes Muscle Cramps , Treats Constipation, Fortifies Bones, Combats Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), Helps Cure Anemia,
Remedies Varicose Veins, Ensures Deep Sleep , Uplifts Lung Health, Effect On Doshas, Ameliorates Depression Symptoms, 

Original price was: ₹1,500.00.Current price is: ₹1,250.00.



Vallarai Keerai Benefits For Health:

Improves Brain Functions, Boosts Immune System, Maintains Heart Health,
Relaxes Muscle Cramps , Treats Constipation, Fortifies Bones, Combats Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), Helps Cure Anemia,
Remedies Varicose Veins, Ensures Deep Sleep , Uplifts Lung Health, Effect On Doshas, Ameliorates Depression Symptoms, 

Improves Brain Functions

The unique combination of beneficial compounds in vallarai keerai – brahmoside, brahminoside and centelloside assist in elevating memory, concentration and intellect. Consuming a small portion of vallarai keerai as part of daily diet stimulates the neurotransmitter activity in the CNS, thereby ensuring normal relay of nerve signals from the brain to the other organs in the body, as well as heightened cognitive abilities.

Boosts Immune System

Consuming just a moderate quantity of vallarai keerai will satisfy the daily vitamin C requirement in healthy adults. Vitamin C not only functions in enhancing iron absorption for enhanced blood circulation but also works to improve immunity by white blood cells in the system. In addition, vitamin C is obligatory for growth and development of all body tissues and a key antioxidant for removing toxins from the system.

Maintains Heart Health

Being intrinsically high in potassium levels, vallarai keerai assists in the maintenance of normal blood pressure. It also functions in promoting cardiac muscle activity, lowers the amounts of bad LDL cholesterol and raises levels of good HDL cholesterol. Moreover, this herb is very advantageous in preventing instances of heart attacks and stroke and thereby contributes to a longer and healthier lifespan.

Relaxes Muscle Cramps

Vallarai keerai is bestowed with the key minerals for optimal muscle function – magnesium and manganese. The significantly high mineral content in vallarai keerai makes it an ideal option to provide relief from muscle sores and cramps. Moreover, post a high-intensity workout, when muscles in the arms and legs are strained, eating a salad with gotu kola can instantly alleviate symptoms of pain and discomfort.

Treats Constipation

Vallarai keerai comprises valuable dietary fibers which ensure proper bowel movement upon ingestion of heavy meals. This is crucial to regulate kidney function and filter out all the toxic waste products upon digestion of food and assimilation of required nutrients. Consuming some vallarai keerai soup also efficiently relieves intestinal conditions like constipation and indigestion.

Fortifies Bones

The calcium present in vallarai keerai is absorbed by bones in the body, thereby helping to maintain optimal bone density for day-to-day functions and flexible, unobstructed movement. The very high potassium content in this leafy vegetable complements bone health by enhancing mineral uptake by cells and tissues in the body. Also Read: Tremendous Calcium Boosters: Refreshing Smoothie Recipes For Healthy Bones And Joints

Combats Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

Vallarai keerai offers profuse amounts of vitamin C that confers anti-inflammatory properties to reduce swelling in the bladder, which is more common in women than men. Also, its antioxidant capabilities are useful in removing detrimental free radicals and harmful bacteria from the body. This, in turn, helps to avoid oxidation of the healthy cells in the excretory system organs, thus ensuring proper elimination of wastes and unnecessary food residues from the body and preventing their accumulation in the system.

Helps Cure Anemia

Vitamin C also performs one very vital function in the human body which is of enhancing the absorption of iron from ingested food. Deficiency in iron quantities leads to a condition known as anaemia wherein there is a lack of adequate red blood cells in the body to transport nutrients and oxygen to all cells and tissues. Taking some vallarai keerai salad with meals will guarantee ample uptake of iron, from foods, into the system and promote red blood cell synthesis and blood passage.

Vallarai Keerai Usage In Ayurveda:

Vallarai Keerai is a time-tested herb in Ayurveda, that is categorised as a “Medhya Rasayana” plant, meaning natural produce that remarkably promotes mental faculties, mood, memory and thinking. Its therapeutic applications are hence, of tremendous magnitude, in Ayurveda – the traditional Indian system of medicine. The olden Ayurvedic scriptures praise the healing potential of vallarai keerai, in successfully alleviating depression, anxiety, lowering stress levels, averting cancer and remedying liver disorders.

Remedies Varicose Veins

Vallarai keerai or Gotu kola is blessed with powerful anti-inflammatory compounds that vastly stimulate blood circulation in all organs in the body. Varicose veins are characterized by distended legs with purple discolouration due to a decline in elasticity of blood vessels. Hence, vallarai keerai works wonders in lessening swelling in the legs, boosting blood flow, diminishing varicose veins and combatting chronic venous insufficiency (CVI).

Uplifts Lung Health

Laden with phytonutrients that possess decongestant properties, vallarai keerai confers remarkable merits for healing symptoms of chronic cold, asthma, bronchitis, by loosening trapped phlegm deposits in the nasal and pulmonary passages. The acid compound asiaticoside comprises cytoprotective traits that shield lung cells, tissues from injury, besides reducing fluid retention in conditions of pleural effusion for bolstered lung power and improved breathing functions.

Ensures Deep Sleep

Vallarai keerai is rich in a plethora of nerve-regulating components which balance GABA neurotransmitter levels and deliver valuable sedative qualities to calm the mind. Insomnia and anxiety are a result of an agitated, nervous, panicked mental state and Gotu kola is an excellent tranquilising agent that soothes stress, tension, promotes sound uninterrupted sleep at night, alleviates undue worry and augments brain health.

Effect On Doshas

Vallarai Keerai, in essence, has a slightly madhura rasa (sweet taste) with intrinsically laghu and ruksha gunas (light and dry qualities). It possesses ushna virya (heating potency), balancing the kapha (earth and water) dosha (element) while excessively influencing pitta (fire and water) and vata (air and ether) doshas. Moreover, it fosters the positive and equalizing states of mind namely sattva and rajas, effectively eliminating tamas or a negative mindset.

Ameliorates Depression Symptoms

Comprising neurotransmitter regulating properties, vallarai keerai efficiently boosts the positive state of mind – sattva and suppresses lethargy or tamas. This works wonders in uplifting moods, sharpening the intellect and rehabilitating the brain from depression symptoms. It is also a wonderful solution for improving conditions of memory loss and nerve decline in neurodegenerative disorders such as dementia, Alzheimer’s and others.

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